Unless stated, all evenings are on Wednesdays at 8pm at The Lynne Barthorpe Room, St. George's Centre, Middleton, Leeds. LS10 4UZ. Our room is usually available to us from 7.30pm onwards.
Click HERE to find us.
In 2025 we will be trying to provide an online calendar file that can synchronise with your mobile phone's calendar. The benefit of this is that should we change any details in the Programme Of Events then this will immediately update in your own private calendar.

February 12th
YPU Exhibition - Hand in night.
With the YPU Exhibition closing date a week away we will be uploading images to the YPU Portal and also doing some critique to help authors make last minute adjustments to images they wish to enter.
Including YPU Portal and PAGB CMS System demonstration.
February 19th
YPU Portfolio.
Tonight, a rare opportunity to get our hands on the high quality exhibition prints from the YPU Exhibition 2025. These will be in our club room and we'll have an opportunity to run through a selection of them.
Final date for submitting entries to the Bob Redman Trophy competition. Set subject for 2024 is “Film/Song Titles.” members may enter up to 3 images,
February 26th
Bob Redman Competition.
A popular challenge for this trophy competition - this years theme is 'Film or Song titles'. See competition section for how this competition is run. Judging and critique by Mark Waddington.
March 5th
AV night.
Recorded lecture by an eminent Canadian Photographer David duChemin entitled "The Heart of the Photograph." A best-selling author of 32 books, award-winning photographer, and leading expert in the field of creativity. David spent the last twelve years travelling the world as a humanitarian photographer and creativity workshop instructor on all seven continents. His adventures have taken him through winters in Russia and Mongolia and a summer on the Amazon, as well as months among nomads in the Indian Himalaya and remote Northern Kenya. Drawing on a previous twelve-year career in comedy, David brings a dynamic and engaging presence as a presenter in workshops, on camera, or on stages for corporations like Apple and Amazon. His expertise has been profiled in magazines and podcasts including Overland Journal, Elephant Journal and The Accidental Creative.
March 12th
Table Top Night.
The first of our in house photography session. We will be setting up 3 or 4 tabes for people to set up mini table top studios with a still life theme. Please bring in your own props and lighting and camera.
March 19th
Guest Presenter
Kathryn J Scorah.
Final date for submitting entries to the Tony Mitchell Trophy competition. Membersare asked to submit a set of 3 images (PDIs only) consisting of ...
1x Portrait/People Studies - 1x Pictorial - 1x Still Life.
March 26th
Tony Mitchell Competition.
A three image competition with each image being on a different subject. In 2025 these are portrait, pictorial, still life. See the competition section for more details on how this competition is run. Judge: Alistair How LRPS
April 2nd
Guest Presenter - Mike Piet
Chair of Leeds Civic Trust Planning Committee will be giving his talk entitled "Leeds City Centre, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow".
April 9th
Auction night. Annual Auction - tonight is about raising much needed funds, so come along and bid. Don’t forget to bring something to sell which you no longer need and wish to donate.
April 16th
Studio Night.
April 23rd
Guest Presenter - Andrew Shenton.
Andrew Shenton returns with another of his talks entitled "Dawn to Dusk."
Final date for submitting entries to the April Quarterly competition members may enter up to 3 colour PDIs, 3 mono PDIs, 3 colour prints & 3 mono prints.
April 30th
April Quarterly Competition .
Judging and critique by Tony Sheeky C&G (Phot).
May 7th
10 minute stars.
Have you got something to share? Perhaps some images which won’t go in to a competitions. Maybe something that you’re half way through and want some constructive feedback in order to complete it. 10 minutes to show us something interesting that you took, found or are creating.
May 14th
Photoshop Night.
Our photoshop guru will lead us through the steps needed to alter an image. We are looking to discuss the areas that present you with issues or difficulties. Please submit suggestions for techniques or problem areas that you would like to see included.
May 21st
Guest Presenter - Ernest Howard.
Ernest Howard will be giving his talk entitled "My Life as a Hunter Gatherer".This focuses on finding inspiration for what to photograph.
Final date for submitting entries to the Out of Camera competition. Members may enter up to 3 PDIs which have undergone no post processing whatsoever after capture.
May 28th
Out of Camera Competition – Judged by club members.
June 4th
Guest Presenter - Peter Bayliss.
Peter Bayliss will be giving his talk entitled "Intentional Camera Movement". A digital images show with prints too.
June 11th
Night Out.
Our first night out of the year. Venue to be announced.
June 18th
Presentation by club member Judith Macbeth.
Final date for submitting entries to the Elsie Freeman Trophy competition (Prints only). Members may enter up to 4 colour prints on any subject. Final date for submitting entries to the Small Print competition. Members may enter up to 4 prints (colour or mono) with the print paper size not exceeding A4 in size. Mounting is optional.
June 25th
Elsie Freeman Trophy and Small Print Competition.
Judging and critique by Brian Crossland LRPS.
July 2nd
Questions & Answers.
Is there anything you are unsure about, either photography or editing?
Perhaps some of our more experienced members can help.
Perhaps some of our more experienced members can help.
July 9th
Guest Presenter - David Oxtaby
Tonight we welcome David Oxtaby ARPS who will be giving his talk entitled "All about the Light".
July 16th
Night Out.
Our second night out of the year. Venue to be announced.
July 23rd
Buddy Night.
Are there any areas that you feel you need assistance with? Pair up with one of our more experienced members to see if we can resolve your problem.
Final date for submitting entries to the July Quarterly competition members may enter up to 3 colour PDIs, 3 mono PDIs, 3 colour prints & 3 mono prints.
July 30th
July Quarterly Competition.
Judging and critique by Andrew Rothery.
August 6th
Table Top Night.
bring your camera tonight for an opportunity to practice still life, macro and creative photography. Please bring along anything which may be used.
August 13th
Showing of 2025 YPU Annual Exhibition PDIs.
Final date for submitting entries to the Annual Exhibition (Prints) competition. Members may submit prints in the following sections:- Nature (colour only), Pictorial (colour & mono), Portrait (colour & mono), Record (colour & mono). There is no limit to the number of prints submitted.
August 20th
Annual Exhibition Prints - judging and critique
Judging and critique by Peter Wells ARPS, CPAGB, BPE4, EFIAP, PPSA, who will be selecting the prints for display in our Annual Exhibition.
August 27th
Members’ Choice.
Tonight the members will come up with an idea to fill the evening.
September 3rd
Recorded presentation by Sue Berry Photography.
Sue is a keen amateur photographer. Her interests are mainly black & white landscapes, long exposures, urban exploration & street photography. Wilkinson Cameras Digital Photographer of the Year 2016. I have a disc with 5 topics of her photography set to music - Architecture and Industrial, Nature, Animals and Water, Urbex, Landscapes, Graffiti and Street.
Final date for submitting entries to the Annual Exhibition (PDIs) competition.
Members may submit PDIs in the following sections:- Nature (colour only), Pictorial (colour & mono), Portrait (colour & mono), Record (colour & mono).
Members may submit PDIs in the following sections:- Nature (colour only), Pictorial (colour & mono), Portrait (colour & mono), Record (colour & mono).
September 10th
Annual Exhibition PDIs - judging and critique
Judging and critique by Haydn Bartlett LSWPP, ASINWP, DPAGB, EFIAP/g, BPE4.
September 17th
Photoshop Night.
Our photoshop guru will lead us through the steps needed to alter an image. We are looking to discuss the areas that present you with issues or difficulties. Please submit suggestions for techniques or problem areas that you would like to see included.
September 24th
Richard Greaves
Club member and treasurer, Richard Greaves will be showing us some his images taken in the last 12 months.
October 1st
Guest Presenter Sally Sallett, ARPS CPAGB AFIAP BPE3.
Sally Sallett gives her talk entitled "Progress to Distinction".
October 8th
Presentation by club member Grahame Gage.
Final date for submitting entries to the October Quarterly competition members may enter up to 3 colour PDIs, 3 mono PDIs, 3 colour prints & 3 mono prints.
October 15th
October Quarterly Competition.
Judging and critique by Bill Mahoney.
October 22nd
Studio Night.
October 29th
Night Photography Workshop.
Tonight we will be trying to show and/or demonstrate as many different Night Photography techniques - such as light painting and night trails.
November 5th
Our Annual General Meeting is your chance to have your say on the running of our club.
Final date for submitting entries to the Colour Award, for a panel of 3 colour prints on a theme chosen by the entrant & Lightowler Trophy competition for a panel of 3 mono prints on a theme chosen by the entrant.
November 12th
Colour Award and Lightowler Trophy competitions.
Judging and critique by Stephen Womack LRPS, CPAGB, EFIAP.
November 19th
7.30 pm. Interclub Competition Round 2.
We are hosting the competition at St. Georges.
Set Subject: To be announced. Set Theme: Scapes.
Set Subject: To be announced. Set Theme: Scapes.
Final date for submitting entries to the Padgett Trophy competition. Members are asked to submit 3 images (PDIs or prints).This is a handicap competition. Images are marked out of 20, Any member who has been awarded a first place in any of the current year’s competitions are deducted 1 point for each first place up to a maximum of 6 points.
November 26th
Padgett Trophy Competition.
Judging and critique by Sally Sallett ARPS CPAGB AFIAP BPE3.
December 3rd
President's Night.
Images from our own presidents catalogue.
December 10th
Image of the Year Competition.
Judging and critique by Erica Oram CPAGB AFIAP BPE3.
December 17th.
Christmas Buffet.
Past events in 2025.
January 8th
10 Minute Stars.
Got something to share? Perhaps some images that won't go into competition? Maybe you're halfway through something and would welcome some constructive feedback to finish it. 10 minutes to show us something interesting you took, found or are creating.
January 15th
Annual Dinner and Awards Ceremony.
Our annual Dinner and Awards night at the Britannia Pub, Pudsey. Further details will be distributed to members.
January 22nd
Image Editing/Photoshop night.
Tonight we will be doing some walk throughs of useful image editing techniques. If you have any ideas or question you want us to cover, please et us know.
Final date for submitting entries to the January Quarterly competition members may enter up to 3 colour PDIs, 3 mono PDIs, 3 colour prints & 3 mono prints.
January 29th
January Quarterly Competition.
Our first competition in 2025. See the competition section for how this competition is run. Judge: Massimillano (Max) Malisan, CPAGB.
February 5th
Normanton Battle.
A competition we have every year between ourselves and Normanton Camera Club.
Hosted this year by ourselves. Judge: Dave Burgess MA(Phot) ARPS.