We meet on Wednesday evenings at 8pm in:
The "Lynne Barthorpe Room", first floor.
St. George's Centre, St. George's Road, Middleton, Leeds.
LS10 4UZ.

Firstly, if you're thinking of joining us to see what we do, please get in touch via the 'Contact' link on the left - just to make sure we haven't changed our plans and have gone somewhere else for the night!
To enter the building use the entrance to the Minor Injuries Unit, near the car park. On entering the building pass the reception and turn right and walk into a larger waiting room. Go past another reception desk on your left then in the corner go through the door marked for the stairs and lift. Go to the first floor, enter through the double doors and diagonally towards your left you will see the double doors to the “Lynne Barthorpe Room” just behind a pillar. It is a lot easier to do than to explain!
Travel instructions: From the South or North East:
Travel on A1 or M1 until your route intersects with M62. Travel west on the M62 to junction 28 (M62) and follow the signs for the A653 into Leeds After about 1½ miles the A653 forks right. Stay with the A653 until you reach a set of traffic lights about a ¼ mile further on. Turn right at these lights (the Tommy Wass Public house is on the left hand corner) and continue along this road for approximately 1½ miles until you reach the first traffic roundabout by the Asda superstore. Take the third exit off the roundabout up St George's Road. Cross the roundabout by the entrance to Asda and get into the right hand turn lane to the St George's Centre car park. The St. George's Centre is a modern building with a curved roofline.
Travel instructions: From the East or West using the M62:
Leave the M62 at junction 28 and follow the signs for the A653 into Leeds.
After about 1½ miles the A653 forks right. Stay with the A653 until you reach a set of traffic lights about a ¼ mile further on. Turn right at these lights (the Tommy Wass Public house is on the left hand corner) and continue along this road for approximately 2 miles until you reach the first traffic roundabout by the Asda superstore. Take the third exit off the roundabout up St George's Road. Cross the roundabout by the entrance to Asda and get into the right hand turn lane to the St George's Centre car park. The St. George's Centre is a modern building with a curved roofline.
From Leeds - or journeys passing through Leeds:
Follow the signs for the M621 in the direction of the M1 or London and join the Motorway noting that the appropriate exit is junction number 6 for Middleton (This exit is only available for vehicles travelling South on the M621, it is not available when travelling North).
Turn right onto Belle Isle Road. Carry straight on through the traffic calming measures and continue straight on at the first large roundabout. At the second roundabout turn right onto Middleton Road. Continue for some 200 yards until you reach a traffic roundabout by the Asda superstore where you turn left into St George's Road. Cross the roundabout by the entrance to Asda and get into the right hand turn lane to the St George's Centre car park. The St. George's Centre is a modern building with a curved roofline.