Note. These rules are placed here so that members and the committee may refer to them. They are a copy of those held by the President of the Society.
General Rules
General Rules
1. Title.
The name of this Society is The Leeds Co-operative Photographic Society, hereafter referred to as “The Society.”
The name of this Society is The Leeds Co-operative Photographic Society, hereafter referred to as “The Society.”
2. Objectives.
The objectives of the Society are to provide and sustain the advancement of photography and to encourage participation as widely as possible.
The objectives of the Society are to provide and sustain the advancement of photography and to encourage participation as widely as possible.
3. Membership.
The President and Secretary will jointly have the power to admit applicants into the membership of the Society.
New members will be reported to the subsequent committee meeting.
The President and Secretary will jointly have the power to admit applicants into the membership of the Society.
New members will be reported to the subsequent committee meeting.
4. Subscriptions.
Annual subscriptions are due for payment at the first Society meeting following the Annual General Meeting.
Subscription amounts payable for full membership and for unwaged membership are decided, and amended if necessary, at the society’s AGM.
A new member joining the Society after 1st February will pay a reduced membership subscription determined by the Treasurer, based on the time left in that year.
Members whose subscriptions have not been paid by the 1st of February will not be eligible to vote or hold office.
Members whose subscriptions are in arrears will not be entitled to submit entries to any Society competition.
A member whose subscription is 12 months in arrear will be deemed to have resigned membership.
The financial year commences 1st November each year.
Annual subscriptions are due for payment at the first Society meeting following the Annual General Meeting.
Subscription amounts payable for full membership and for unwaged membership are decided, and amended if necessary, at the society’s AGM.
A new member joining the Society after 1st February will pay a reduced membership subscription determined by the Treasurer, based on the time left in that year.
Members whose subscriptions have not been paid by the 1st of February will not be eligible to vote or hold office.
Members whose subscriptions are in arrears will not be entitled to submit entries to any Society competition.
A member whose subscription is 12 months in arrear will be deemed to have resigned membership.
The financial year commences 1st November each year.
5. Officials.
The affairs of the club will be administered by a committee consisting of the following officers:-
Vice President.
Immediate Past President.
Syllabus Secretary (current year).
Syllabus Secretary (following year).
Competition Secretary.
Assistant Competition Secretary.
Social Secretary.
Assistant Social Secretary.
Publicity/recruitment officer.
YPU Delegate.
Interclub delegate(s).
Minute Secretary.
Web Master (who maintains the Society’s web site).
Committee Member(s).
Honorary Life Vice Presidents:-
Mr Pat Smith
Honorary Life Member:-
Miss Jane Ellis
There is a general requirement for all Officers to promote the welfare of the Society and its members.
The affairs of the club will be administered by a committee consisting of the following officers:-
Vice President.
Immediate Past President.
Syllabus Secretary (current year).
Syllabus Secretary (following year).
Competition Secretary.
Assistant Competition Secretary.
Social Secretary.
Assistant Social Secretary.
Publicity/recruitment officer.
YPU Delegate.
Interclub delegate(s).
Minute Secretary.
Web Master (who maintains the Society’s web site).
Committee Member(s).
Honorary Life Vice Presidents:-
Mr Pat Smith
Honorary Life Member:-
Miss Jane Ellis
There is a general requirement for all Officers to promote the welfare of the Society and its members.
6. The Committee will have power to:
– Fill any vacancy in the Committee that may occur.
– Deal with any business that may arise concerning the affairs of the Society.
– Appoint a Selection Sub-Committee whose task it will be to co-operate with the Competition Secretary in assembling the Society’s entries for the Inter-Club Competition and any other external competitions.
– Establish sub-committees to deal with specific issues.
– The Secretary will call a meeting of the Committee at any time within 14 days (notified in writing), at the request of the President or not less than five committee members, to deal with emergencies or urgent matters.
– Exclude any member if, after full investigation of the facts, it is established that the member has compromised the aims of the Society or placed the Society in a position of disrepute.
– Fill any vacancy in the Committee that may occur.
– Deal with any business that may arise concerning the affairs of the Society.
– Appoint a Selection Sub-Committee whose task it will be to co-operate with the Competition Secretary in assembling the Society’s entries for the Inter-Club Competition and any other external competitions.
– Establish sub-committees to deal with specific issues.
– The Secretary will call a meeting of the Committee at any time within 14 days (notified in writing), at the request of the President or not less than five committee members, to deal with emergencies or urgent matters.
– Exclude any member if, after full investigation of the facts, it is established that the member has compromised the aims of the Society or placed the Society in a position of disrepute.
7. Election of Officers.
A nomination sheet will be available at three consecutive weekly meetings immediately prior to the Annual General Meeting, the date of which will be published in the Society’s syllabus.
Members proposed for election to office must be proposed and seconded before they can be considered for election, and should signify their acceptance of nomination.
In the event that written nominations are not recorded prior to the Annual General Meeting, officers can be elected following nominations from the floor at the meeting, subject to the nominees’ agreement.
A nomination sheet will be available at three consecutive weekly meetings immediately prior to the Annual General Meeting, the date of which will be published in the Society’s syllabus.
Members proposed for election to office must be proposed and seconded before they can be considered for election, and should signify their acceptance of nomination.
In the event that written nominations are not recorded prior to the Annual General Meeting, officers can be elected following nominations from the floor at the meeting, subject to the nominees’ agreement.
8. The Annual General Meeting.
The Annual General Meeting will be held on or near the first Society meeting in November.
The business of the meeting will be to receive, consider and adopt or otherwise, the Balance Sheet and Annual Reports from the following officers;
– Outgoing President
– Secretary
– Treasurer
– Competition Secretary
– Syllabus Secretary (current year just ending)
– Syllabus Secretary (following year)
– Social Secretary
– Publicity Officer.
– Interclub Delegate
– Y. P. U. Delegate
– Any relevant sub-committee
The Annual General Meeting will be held on or near the first Society meeting in November.
The business of the meeting will be to receive, consider and adopt or otherwise, the Balance Sheet and Annual Reports from the following officers;
– Outgoing President
– Secretary
– Treasurer
– Competition Secretary
– Syllabus Secretary (current year just ending)
– Syllabus Secretary (following year)
– Social Secretary
– Publicity Officer.
– Interclub Delegate
– Y. P. U. Delegate
– Any relevant sub-committee
Reports will preferably be submitted in writing and attached to the minutes of the Annual General Meeting.
Officers and committee members will be elected following a ballot of members present.
The Annual General Meeting will nominate two officers as joint signatories of Society cheques.
In order that the Annual General Meeting can take place a quorum representing 30% of the membership must be present.
If, after 30 minutes of the published start time for the meeting, a quorum is not present the meeting will be rearranged to take place within 14 days.
The newly elected President and Officials will take over their duties immediately upon election with the newly elected President taking over the Chair for the remainder of the Annual General Meeting.
Officers and committee members will be elected following a ballot of members present.
The Annual General Meeting will nominate two officers as joint signatories of Society cheques.
In order that the Annual General Meeting can take place a quorum representing 30% of the membership must be present.
If, after 30 minutes of the published start time for the meeting, a quorum is not present the meeting will be rearranged to take place within 14 days.
The newly elected President and Officials will take over their duties immediately upon election with the newly elected President taking over the Chair for the remainder of the Annual General Meeting.
9. Procedures for Dealing with Proposals.
In order for a proposal by a member to receive consideration at the Annual General or an Extra Ordinary Meeting, another member must second it.
A member and another member must also second counter proposals.
Proposers and counter proposers will be allowed to speak for no longer than 5 minutes (to be extended at the Chairman’s discretion), in support of their proposal prior to the voting.
Voting will be conducted by a show of hands with counter proposals being voted upon first. If there is more than one counter proposal, they will be considered in reverse order.
If a counter proposal receives a majority vote it becomes the substantive proposal with no requirement to vote on other counter proposals or the original proposal. A vote will then be taken on the substantive proposal before it can be adopted by the Society.
In order for a proposal by a member to receive consideration at the Annual General or an Extra Ordinary Meeting, another member must second it.
A member and another member must also second counter proposals.
Proposers and counter proposers will be allowed to speak for no longer than 5 minutes (to be extended at the Chairman’s discretion), in support of their proposal prior to the voting.
Voting will be conducted by a show of hands with counter proposals being voted upon first. If there is more than one counter proposal, they will be considered in reverse order.
If a counter proposal receives a majority vote it becomes the substantive proposal with no requirement to vote on other counter proposals or the original proposal. A vote will then be taken on the substantive proposal before it can be adopted by the Society.
10. Extra-Ordinary Meetings.
The President or a quorum comprising not less than 5 members can call an Extra-Ordinary meeting of the Society, notification of the meeting request should be provided to the President and Secretary with a minimum of 48 hours’ notice.
The President or a quorum comprising not less than 5 members can call an Extra-Ordinary meeting of the Society, notification of the meeting request should be provided to the President and Secretary with a minimum of 48 hours’ notice.
11. Minutes of Meetings.
The Minute Secretary or a nominated substitute will record minutes of all Committee, Annual General and Extra-Ordinary meetings.
The AGM minutes will incorporate a list of elected committee members. Minutes will be available for inspection by any member on giving reasonable notice to the President.
The Minute Secretary or a nominated substitute will record minutes of all Committee, Annual General and Extra-Ordinary meetings.
The AGM minutes will incorporate a list of elected committee members. Minutes will be available for inspection by any member on giving reasonable notice to the President.
12. Honours.
Distinguished service by a member may be recognized by the Committee at an AGM by the election of that member as an Honorary Life Member or an Honorary Life Vice President. To be eligible for election as an Honorary Life Vice President the member must have served on the committee as President.
Distinguished service by a member may be recognized by the Committee at an AGM by the election of that member as an Honorary Life Member or an Honorary Life Vice President. To be eligible for election as an Honorary Life Vice President the member must have served on the committee as President.
13. Trophies.
The Society offers a number of trophies for annual competition, which will be held by the winning member for one year.
Trophies are not covered by the Society’s insurance whilst in the possession of members but members will not be held responsible for club property stolen whilst in their care.
The trophy holder will be responsible for maintaining the trophy in good condition.
At least one month prior to the annual prize presentation, trophies must be handed back, in clean condition, to the Competition Secretary to enable them to be engraved ready for presentation.
The Annual Prize Presentation and Dinner will normally be held during January or February of each year.
The Society offers a number of trophies for annual competition, which will be held by the winning member for one year.
Trophies are not covered by the Society’s insurance whilst in the possession of members but members will not be held responsible for club property stolen whilst in their care.
The trophy holder will be responsible for maintaining the trophy in good condition.
At least one month prior to the annual prize presentation, trophies must be handed back, in clean condition, to the Competition Secretary to enable them to be engraved ready for presentation.
The Annual Prize Presentation and Dinner will normally be held during January or February of each year.
14. The Rules.
No alteration to these rules will be made except at the AGM or at an Extra-ordinary General Meeting convened for that purpose.
No alteration to these rules will be made except at the AGM or at an Extra-ordinary General Meeting convened for that purpose.
15. Documents and Records.
All documents, records, etc. held by officers will be handed over to succeeding officers at the AGM or within 14 days following that meeting.
All documents, records, etc. held by officers will be handed over to succeeding officers at the AGM or within 14 days following that meeting.
16. Financial Year.
The Society’s financial year will be 1st October to 30th September.
The Society’s financial year will be 1st October to 30th September.
17. Competition Year.
The Society’s competition year will be 1st January to 31st December.
The Society’s competition year will be 1st January to 31st December.
Duties of Officers.
There is a general requirement for all Officers to promote the welfare of the Society and its members.
1. The President. will
There is a general requirement for all Officers to promote the welfare of the Society and its members.
1. The President. will
– Preside (or nominate a suitable officer to deputise) at all club meetings, committee meetings and formal functions, exhibitions, etc. organised by the Society.
– Preside at the annual prize presentation and dinner.
– Welcome all visitors and speakers to the Society.
– Introduce the speaker to the audience.
– Maintain order at Society meetings.
– Read any notices at the Society’s weekly meetings.
– Ensure that the rules of the Society are complied with.
– Have the right to speak at least once on any issue that may arise at meetings.
– Have the casting vote in the event of any drawn vote
– Present a report in writing to the AGM
– Preside at the annual prize presentation and dinner.
– Welcome all visitors and speakers to the Society.
– Introduce the speaker to the audience.
– Maintain order at Society meetings.
– Read any notices at the Society’s weekly meetings.
– Ensure that the rules of the Society are complied with.
– Have the right to speak at least once on any issue that may arise at meetings.
– Have the casting vote in the event of any drawn vote
– Present a report in writing to the AGM
2. The Vice President. will
– Act in substitution for the President upon request by the President or in the event of his/her absence.
– On club nights, arrange for a member to give a vote of thanks to the speaker or judge.
– Liaise with the Syllabus Secretary concerning the compilation of the programme of events for the forthcoming year.
– Act in substitution for the President upon request by the President or in the event of his/her absence.
– On club nights, arrange for a member to give a vote of thanks to the speaker or judge.
– Liaise with the Syllabus Secretary concerning the compilation of the programme of events for the forthcoming year.
3. The Immediate Past President. will...
– Substitute for the President or Vice President upon request by the President or Vice President.
– Substitute for the President or Vice President upon request by the President or Vice President.
4. The Secretary. will
– Conduct all correspondence other than that required by other Officers to fulfil their duties. The Secretary will keep copies of such correspondence as part of the Secretary’s official records. Such records will be handed over to the succeeding Secretary following their election.
– Prepare agendas for committee meetings and notify committee members when meetings are to be held.
– Carry out the committee’s instructions and report back.
– Prepare a list of all nominations for office at the AGM.
– Keep and maintain a record of all members’ postal and email addresses and telephone numbers in liaison with the Treasurer.
– Arrange with other officers, a system for notifying speakers and members in the event of a Society function being cancelled or rearranged.
– Provide all members with a copy of the current syllabus.
– Assist the Syllabus Secretary and Publicity Officer in editing and checking copy for the printers or press.
– Provide liaison between members and officers.
– Submit a report for consideration at the AGM.
– Conduct all correspondence other than that required by other Officers to fulfil their duties. The Secretary will keep copies of such correspondence as part of the Secretary’s official records. Such records will be handed over to the succeeding Secretary following their election.
– Prepare agendas for committee meetings and notify committee members when meetings are to be held.
– Carry out the committee’s instructions and report back.
– Prepare a list of all nominations for office at the AGM.
– Keep and maintain a record of all members’ postal and email addresses and telephone numbers in liaison with the Treasurer.
– Arrange with other officers, a system for notifying speakers and members in the event of a Society function being cancelled or rearranged.
– Provide all members with a copy of the current syllabus.
– Assist the Syllabus Secretary and Publicity Officer in editing and checking copy for the printers or press.
– Provide liaison between members and officers.
– Submit a report for consideration at the AGM.
5. The Treasurer. will
– Maintain the Society’s bank accounts.
– Keep a detailed and up to date record of all monies received and expended.
– Keep and maintain a record of all members’ postal and email addresses and telephone numbers in liaison with the Secretary.
– Allocate new membership numbers and liaise with the Secretary and Competition Secretary to maintain up to date membership records
– Prepare and present an audited account to the AGM.
– Report the up to date financial position at committee meetings or when requested by the President.
– Submit invoices to advertisers in the Society’s syllabus or any other Society publication, and report to the committee any account not paid within one month of issue.
– Settle speaker’s expenses on the evening of the presentation.
– Settle payments for any purchases/expenses authorised by the committee and incurred on the Societies behalf.
– Submit a report for consideration at the AGM.
– Report at committee meetings any new members joining since the last committee meeting, and also report on any members whose membership subscription that have lapsed or are in arrears.
– Maintain the Society’s bank accounts.
– Keep a detailed and up to date record of all monies received and expended.
– Keep and maintain a record of all members’ postal and email addresses and telephone numbers in liaison with the Secretary.
– Allocate new membership numbers and liaise with the Secretary and Competition Secretary to maintain up to date membership records
– Prepare and present an audited account to the AGM.
– Report the up to date financial position at committee meetings or when requested by the President.
– Submit invoices to advertisers in the Society’s syllabus or any other Society publication, and report to the committee any account not paid within one month of issue.
– Settle speaker’s expenses on the evening of the presentation.
– Settle payments for any purchases/expenses authorised by the committee and incurred on the Societies behalf.
– Submit a report for consideration at the AGM.
– Report at committee meetings any new members joining since the last committee meeting, and also report on any members whose membership subscription that have lapsed or are in arrears.
An Account Examiner, appointed from within the Society’s membership at the AGM, will examine and certify the Society’s accounts prior to the following year’s AGM.
6. Syllabus Secretary. will
– Prepare and arrange, in liaison with the relevant officers of the society, a complete programme of events, lectures and practical evenings for the forthcoming year.
– Have the programme ready, in liaison with the Secretary, for presentation to the printers in sufficient time (no later than the end of November) to ensure its availability at the commencement of the calendar year.
– Correspond with visiting speakers to ensure their attendance on the due date.
– Ensure that speakers are reminded of their booking not less than 2 weeks prior to the due date and to provide them with a copy of the Society’s syllabus.
– Ensure that visiting speakers have accurate directions to the meeting room and if necessary arrange to meet them on the night.
– Send a note of thanks following their visit.
– When appointing lecturers, it is recommended that the Syllabus Secretary should follow the procedures as laid down in the PAGB Handbook in the section headed “CONDITIONS GOVERNING LECTURERS LISTED BY THE PAGB”.
– Arrange a substitute for speaker(s) who are unable to fulfil their appointment.
– Co-operate with the Secretary in editing the syllabus.
– Submit a report for consideration at the AGM.
– Prepare and arrange, in liaison with the relevant officers of the society, a complete programme of events, lectures and practical evenings for the forthcoming year.
– Have the programme ready, in liaison with the Secretary, for presentation to the printers in sufficient time (no later than the end of November) to ensure its availability at the commencement of the calendar year.
– Correspond with visiting speakers to ensure their attendance on the due date.
– Ensure that speakers are reminded of their booking not less than 2 weeks prior to the due date and to provide them with a copy of the Society’s syllabus.
– Ensure that visiting speakers have accurate directions to the meeting room and if necessary arrange to meet them on the night.
– Send a note of thanks following their visit.
– When appointing lecturers, it is recommended that the Syllabus Secretary should follow the procedures as laid down in the PAGB Handbook in the section headed “CONDITIONS GOVERNING LECTURERS LISTED BY THE PAGB”.
– Arrange a substitute for speaker(s) who are unable to fulfil their appointment.
– Co-operate with the Secretary in editing the syllabus.
– Submit a report for consideration at the AGM.
7. Future Syllabus Secretary will:
– Co-ordinate with the current Syllabus Secretary in preparation for the following year.
– Deputise for the current year Syllabus Secretary (where required).
– Co-ordinate with the current Syllabus Secretary in preparation for the following year.
– Deputise for the current year Syllabus Secretary (where required).
8. Competition Secretary. will
– Take the lead in organising and conducting all Society competitions and exhibitions.
– Receive, categorise and record all entries to competitions.
– Record the results of all competitions.
– Ensure that adequate lighting is provided to illuminate prints being commented upon or judged.
– Arrange judging for all competitions, exhibitions, battles etc.
– Carry out all correspondence with judges.
– Arrange a substitute judge if for any reason the original judge is unable to officiate.
– Ensure that all Society trophies are returned to the Society prior to the annual prize presentation.
– Ensure trophies are engraved in time for the annual prize presentation.
– Ensure that trophies are available for presentation to all trophy winners.
– Organise the presentation of trophies at the annual prize presentation.
– Organise, in co-operation with the Selection Committee, the Society’s entries into Interclub competitions, print and/or projected image battles, etc.
– Encourage the participation of members in external competitions.
– Be responsible, in liaison with the Treasurer and/or Secretary, for checking a member’s eligibility to participate in competitions.
– Submit a report for consideration at the AGM.
– Take the lead in organising and conducting all Society competitions and exhibitions.
– Receive, categorise and record all entries to competitions.
– Record the results of all competitions.
– Ensure that adequate lighting is provided to illuminate prints being commented upon or judged.
– Arrange judging for all competitions, exhibitions, battles etc.
– Carry out all correspondence with judges.
– Arrange a substitute judge if for any reason the original judge is unable to officiate.
– Ensure that all Society trophies are returned to the Society prior to the annual prize presentation.
– Ensure trophies are engraved in time for the annual prize presentation.
– Ensure that trophies are available for presentation to all trophy winners.
– Organise the presentation of trophies at the annual prize presentation.
– Organise, in co-operation with the Selection Committee, the Society’s entries into Interclub competitions, print and/or projected image battles, etc.
– Encourage the participation of members in external competitions.
– Be responsible, in liaison with the Treasurer and/or Secretary, for checking a member’s eligibility to participate in competitions.
– Submit a report for consideration at the AGM.
9. Assistant Competition Secretary. will
– Provide the Competition Secretary with assistance to enable him/her to fulfil his/her duties and to substitute for the Competition Secretary in the event of his/her absence.
– Provide the Competition Secretary with assistance to enable him/her to fulfil his/her duties and to substitute for the Competition Secretary in the event of his/her absence.
10. Social Secretary. will
– Prepare refreshments for visitors and members at the Society’s weekly meetings.
– Prepare refreshments for visiting judges, speakers, and demonstrators both before, during and immediately after their presentation.
– Organise, in liaison with other committee members, all the Society’s social events.
– Submit a report for consideration at the AGM.
– Prepare refreshments for visitors and members at the Society’s weekly meetings.
– Prepare refreshments for visiting judges, speakers, and demonstrators both before, during and immediately after their presentation.
– Organise, in liaison with other committee members, all the Society’s social events.
– Submit a report for consideration at the AGM.
11. Assistant Social Secretary. will
– Assist the Social Secretary to fulfil his/her duties and act in substitution in the event of the Social Secretary’s non – attendance.
– Organise fund raising efforts, raffles etc. on club nights and at social events if appropriate.
– Assist the Social Secretary to fulfil his/her duties and act in substitution in the event of the Social Secretary’s non – attendance.
– Organise fund raising efforts, raffles etc. on club nights and at social events if appropriate.
12. Publicity/Recruitment Officer. will
– Co-operate with the Secretary to ensure that the Society’s events are given adequate press and media coverage.
– Ensure that copies of the syllabus are distributed to the local media.
– In association with the President and other officers identify and organise opportunities that promote the Society with the aim of increasing membership.
– Submit a report for consideration at the AGM.
– Co-operate with the Secretary to ensure that the Society’s events are given adequate press and media coverage.
– Ensure that copies of the syllabus are distributed to the local media.
– In association with the President and other officers identify and organise opportunities that promote the Society with the aim of increasing membership.
– Submit a report for consideration at the AGM.
13. Y.P.U. Delegate(s).
The Society is entitled to two delegates whose names and addresses are registered by the Secretary with the Y.P.U.
They will
– Receive communications from the Y.P.U. via the Secretary.
– Attend meetings of delegates (usually two per year) and report back to the next committee meeting.
– Submit a report for consideration at the AGM.
– Liaise with the competition secretary re: YPU annual competition entries, and deliver these entries to the YPU.
The Society is entitled to two delegates whose names and addresses are registered by the Secretary with the Y.P.U.
They will
– Receive communications from the Y.P.U. via the Secretary.
– Attend meetings of delegates (usually two per year) and report back to the next committee meeting.
– Submit a report for consideration at the AGM.
– Liaise with the competition secretary re: YPU annual competition entries, and deliver these entries to the YPU.
14. Inter-Club Delegates.
The Society has two delegates whose names and addresses are registered with the Inter-Club by the Secretary.
They will
– Attend the Inter-Club AGM each year
– Encourage and promote participation in the 4 meetings held by the group each year and organise the club entries in conjunction with the Selection Committee.
– Submit a report for consideration at the AGM
The Society has two delegates whose names and addresses are registered with the Inter-Club by the Secretary.
They will
– Attend the Inter-Club AGM each year
– Encourage and promote participation in the 4 meetings held by the group each year and organise the club entries in conjunction with the Selection Committee.
– Submit a report for consideration at the AGM
15. Minute Secretary. will
– Record proceedings at committee meetings, the Annual General Meeting and any other meeting.
– Provide each member of the Committee and any member of the Society who so requests, with a copy of the minutes of the meeting as quickly as possible after the meeting and in any event within 14 days of the meeting.
– Record proceedings at committee meetings, the Annual General Meeting and any other meeting.
– Provide each member of the Committee and any member of the Society who so requests, with a copy of the minutes of the meeting as quickly as possible after the meeting and in any event within 14 days of the meeting.
16. Webmaster. will
– Maintain the Society’s web site.
– Maintain the Society’s web site.
17. Selection Sub-Committee.
A sub-committee will be appointed at the AGM or by the Committee to select the Society’s entries for the Inter-Club Competition and any other competitions and battles where club representation is required.
A sub-committee will be appointed at the AGM or by the Committee to select the Society’s entries for the Inter-Club Competition and any other competitions and battles where club representation is required.
Competition Rules
Throughout these rules the term “projected images” refers to projected digital images.
Prints may be home or trade processed.
Prints may be home or trade processed.
The Annual Exhibition
1. The Collins Trophy
Presented to the author of the best monochrome print in the annual exhibition.
2. The Freeman Shield
Presented to the author of the best colour print in the annual exhibition.
3. The Colour Trophy
Presented to the author of the best projected image in the annual exhibition.
A certificate is also awarded to the winner and the second and third placed entries in each section of the annual exhibition, i.e.
– Projected Images:- Portrait, Pictorial , Record, Natural History.
– Colour Prints:- Portrait, Pictorial, Record, Natural History.
– Monochrome Prints:- Portrait, Pictorial, Record.
Presented to the author of the best monochrome print in the annual exhibition.
2. The Freeman Shield
Presented to the author of the best colour print in the annual exhibition.
3. The Colour Trophy
Presented to the author of the best projected image in the annual exhibition.
A certificate is also awarded to the winner and the second and third placed entries in each section of the annual exhibition, i.e.
– Projected Images:- Portrait, Pictorial , Record, Natural History.
– Colour Prints:- Portrait, Pictorial, Record, Natural History.
– Monochrome Prints:- Portrait, Pictorial, Record.
Annual Competitions
1. The Bob Redman Trophy
Presented to the best individual image entered. Each member may enter up to 3 images as projected images or prints, or a combination of the two. The committee will choose the subject for the competition.
2. The Ellis Originality Award
Presented to the best digital image that has not undergone any post camera processing. Individuals can enter up to 3 images as projected images.
3. The Small Print Award
Presented to the best mono or colour print that does not exceed A4 in size. Mounting of prints is optional but where included mount size may not exceed 400mm x 500mm. Individuals may enter up to 4 prints of any combination.
4. The Atkinson Trophy
Presented to the person whose entries in the monthly projected image competitions have gained the most cumulative points.
N.B. For the above 3 trophies, points are awarded on the following basis
1st Place – 10 Points : 2nd Place – 6 points : 3rd Place – 4 points : Highly Commended – 2 points
5. Colour Print of The Year Trophy
Presented to the author of the best overall colour print, chosen from those which have gained first, second or third place in quarterly competitions during the competition year
6. Monochrome Print of The Year Trophy
Presented to the author of the best overall print, chosen from those that have gained first, second or third place in quarterly competitions during the competition year
7. The Ellis Memorial Trophy
Presented to the author of the best overall projected image chosen from those that have gained first, second or third place in quarterly competitions during the competition year.
8. The Lightowler Trophy
Will be presented to the person entering the best display of four monochrome prints, to be judged as a panel of four prints, not individually. Entry limited to one panel per member.
9. The Colour Award Trophy
Will be presented to the person entering the best display of four colour prints, to be judged as a panel of four prints, not individually. Entry limited to one panel per member.
10. The Elsie Freeman Trophy
To be presented to the producer of the best colour print (home or trade processed) on any subject. Each member may enter up to four prints.
11. The Tony Mitchell Trophy
Will be presented to the member entering the best set of three projected images – set content will advance 1 position each year on an ongoing basis. Running order – 2017 set = Portrait, Abstract, Pictorial. 2018 set = Abstract, Pictorial, Architectural & General Record, 2019 set = Pictorial, Architecture & General Record, Nature. 2020 set = Architecture & General Record, Nature, Sport/Action & Photojournalism. 2021 set = Nature, Sport/Action & Photojournalism, Portrait….
12. The President’s Cup
Will be awarded on a formula basis taking into account club and external photographic competition successes. Points are awarded for winning a quarterly competition, coming 1st, 2nd or 3rd at the Annual Exhibition or for acceptance in the YPU and other external competitions; additional points are awarded depending on the level of success at the YPU and other external competitions.
13. The New Members Trophy
To be awarded to the new member who, in the opinion of the committee, has made the most progress over the year.
14. The Padgett Trophy
This competition is based upon a handicap system so that all members may compete on equal terms. Entry for the competition shall consist of three images which may be colour print, monochrome print, projected image or mixed. Entries may be any combination of portrait, pictorial, record, or natural history.
Special eligibility criteria: Pictures having won a first, second or third award at any Annual Exhibition may not be entered for this competition, but non-award or “highly commended” exhibition entries are eligible. No picture may be entered in more than one Padgett Trophy competition.
1. The Bob Redman Trophy
Presented to the best individual image entered. Each member may enter up to 3 images as projected images or prints, or a combination of the two. The committee will choose the subject for the competition.
2. The Ellis Originality Award
Presented to the best digital image that has not undergone any post camera processing. Individuals can enter up to 3 images as projected images.
3. The Small Print Award
Presented to the best mono or colour print that does not exceed A4 in size. Mounting of prints is optional but where included mount size may not exceed 400mm x 500mm. Individuals may enter up to 4 prints of any combination.
4. The Atkinson Trophy
Presented to the person whose entries in the monthly projected image competitions have gained the most cumulative points.
N.B. For the above 3 trophies, points are awarded on the following basis
1st Place – 10 Points : 2nd Place – 6 points : 3rd Place – 4 points : Highly Commended – 2 points
5. Colour Print of The Year Trophy
Presented to the author of the best overall colour print, chosen from those which have gained first, second or third place in quarterly competitions during the competition year
6. Monochrome Print of The Year Trophy
Presented to the author of the best overall print, chosen from those that have gained first, second or third place in quarterly competitions during the competition year
7. The Ellis Memorial Trophy
Presented to the author of the best overall projected image chosen from those that have gained first, second or third place in quarterly competitions during the competition year.
8. The Lightowler Trophy
Will be presented to the person entering the best display of four monochrome prints, to be judged as a panel of four prints, not individually. Entry limited to one panel per member.
9. The Colour Award Trophy
Will be presented to the person entering the best display of four colour prints, to be judged as a panel of four prints, not individually. Entry limited to one panel per member.
10. The Elsie Freeman Trophy
To be presented to the producer of the best colour print (home or trade processed) on any subject. Each member may enter up to four prints.
11. The Tony Mitchell Trophy
Will be presented to the member entering the best set of three projected images – set content will advance 1 position each year on an ongoing basis. Running order – 2017 set = Portrait, Abstract, Pictorial. 2018 set = Abstract, Pictorial, Architectural & General Record, 2019 set = Pictorial, Architecture & General Record, Nature. 2020 set = Architecture & General Record, Nature, Sport/Action & Photojournalism. 2021 set = Nature, Sport/Action & Photojournalism, Portrait….
12. The President’s Cup
Will be awarded on a formula basis taking into account club and external photographic competition successes. Points are awarded for winning a quarterly competition, coming 1st, 2nd or 3rd at the Annual Exhibition or for acceptance in the YPU and other external competitions; additional points are awarded depending on the level of success at the YPU and other external competitions.
13. The New Members Trophy
To be awarded to the new member who, in the opinion of the committee, has made the most progress over the year.
14. The Padgett Trophy
This competition is based upon a handicap system so that all members may compete on equal terms. Entry for the competition shall consist of three images which may be colour print, monochrome print, projected image or mixed. Entries may be any combination of portrait, pictorial, record, or natural history.
Special eligibility criteria: Pictures having won a first, second or third award at any Annual Exhibition may not be entered for this competition, but non-award or “highly commended” exhibition entries are eligible. No picture may be entered in more than one Padgett Trophy competition.
All entries for the competition to be handed in on the date stated in the syllabus.
Eligibility for entry into future Annual Exhibitions is not affected.
The Handicap system will start at the beginning of the year and will run through to the Padgett trophy competition. 1 point will be awarded to the member whose image has attained a 1st place position in any annual competition, quarterly competition or sub section there-off to an accumulated maximum of 6 points. At the start of each year the handicap total will be reset to zero
The Handicap system will start at the beginning of the year and will run through to the Padgett trophy competition. 1 point will be awarded to the member whose image has attained a 1st place position in any annual competition, quarterly competition or sub section there-off to an accumulated maximum of 6 points. At the start of each year the handicap total will be reset to zero
In the following, reference to “annual competitions” means “annual trophy competitions & annual exhibitions”.
a). No winning print or projected image that has been entered in any annual competition or quarterly competition will be eligible for entry into the same competition again.
b). Any print or projected image, other than the winner, may be entered in the same annual competition on no more than one other occasion.
c). Images may not be entered more than once in quarterly competitions.
d). Members may submit up to three entries in each section of quarterly competitions.
e). Members will only be permitted to enter competitions when they have complied with subscription requirements.
f). A print, including its mount, must not exceed the maximum size of 400mm x 500mm. The minimum print size (with the exception of the Small Print Award) will be 7” x 5”.
g). For the Annual Exhibition, all prints must be displayed on 400mm x 500mm mounts of a colour chosen by the exhibitor.
h). Prints submitted to the YPU annual competition must be mounted on 400mm by 500mm mounts
i). Prints entered in the Society’s internal club competitions, except the Annual Exhibition can be presented either mounted or un-mounted.
j). All entries must have a title.
k). The subject of all quarterly competitions will be ‘open’.
l). The entrant’s membership number and not his/her name should appear on prints and in the title of projected images for all competitions.
m). An image (print or digital) entered in a quarterly competition cannot be reproduced in another format and re-entered into any other quarterly competition.
n). On all occasions, and where submission numbers permit, placements of 1st, 2nd and 3rd will be awarded in all annual competitions, quarterly competitions, and sub-sections there-of.
o). The digital image file must accompany prints.
In the following, reference to “annual competitions” means “annual trophy competitions & annual exhibitions”.
a). No winning print or projected image that has been entered in any annual competition or quarterly competition will be eligible for entry into the same competition again.
b). Any print or projected image, other than the winner, may be entered in the same annual competition on no more than one other occasion.
c). Images may not be entered more than once in quarterly competitions.
d). Members may submit up to three entries in each section of quarterly competitions.
e). Members will only be permitted to enter competitions when they have complied with subscription requirements.
f). A print, including its mount, must not exceed the maximum size of 400mm x 500mm. The minimum print size (with the exception of the Small Print Award) will be 7” x 5”.
g). For the Annual Exhibition, all prints must be displayed on 400mm x 500mm mounts of a colour chosen by the exhibitor.
h). Prints submitted to the YPU annual competition must be mounted on 400mm by 500mm mounts
i). Prints entered in the Society’s internal club competitions, except the Annual Exhibition can be presented either mounted or un-mounted.
j). All entries must have a title.
k). The subject of all quarterly competitions will be ‘open’.
l). The entrant’s membership number and not his/her name should appear on prints and in the title of projected images for all competitions.
m). An image (print or digital) entered in a quarterly competition cannot be reproduced in another format and re-entered into any other quarterly competition.
n). On all occasions, and where submission numbers permit, placements of 1st, 2nd and 3rd will be awarded in all annual competitions, quarterly competitions, and sub-sections there-of.
o). The digital image file must accompany prints.
Projected digital images
The supplied digital image must be sized and supplied up to 4,000 pixels wide by 4,000 pixels high. Whether the aspect of the image is landscape or portrait, it should not exceed 4,000 pixels in width or 4,000 pixels in height.
The image file should be in .jpg format.
For internal club competitions the file for each image should be named as follows:
Title: (image title)(Your membership number)
For Example: MyImage1234.jpg
The image file should be in .jpg format.
For internal club competitions the file for each image should be named as follows:
Title: (image title)(Your membership number)
For Example: MyImage1234.jpg
Winding up the Society
In the event of an impending winding up of the society, the committee will appoint two trustees to administer the affairs. They must also at the next club meeting, give notice of an Extra-Ordinary General Meeting to ratify the above appointments and to discuss the situation. If this General Meeting decides to wind up the society, its assets will be converted to cash, by such means as the trustees may deem appropriate.
After settlement of all debts the monies remaining will be donated to one or more organisations which in the opinion of the trustees promote amateur photography.
Upon completion of the winding up procedures as described above, all paid-up members at the time of the Extra-Ordinary Meeting will be notified in writing that the winding up procedures have been completed and indicating what monies have been paid to the organisations specified.
In the event of an impending winding up of the society, the committee will appoint two trustees to administer the affairs. They must also at the next club meeting, give notice of an Extra-Ordinary General Meeting to ratify the above appointments and to discuss the situation. If this General Meeting decides to wind up the society, its assets will be converted to cash, by such means as the trustees may deem appropriate.
After settlement of all debts the monies remaining will be donated to one or more organisations which in the opinion of the trustees promote amateur photography.
Upon completion of the winding up procedures as described above, all paid-up members at the time of the Extra-Ordinary Meeting will be notified in writing that the winding up procedures have been completed and indicating what monies have been paid to the organisations specified.
In all competitions, Projected Images = Projected Digital Images.
Sizes for competition entries:
Maximum mount size: 500mm x 400mm. No restriction on print size. All competition entries must be clearly labelled with a title and the entrant’s membership number.
Digital files submitted for projection must JPG/JPEG and RGB format. The image file must be no more than a maximum width of 4,000 pixels by a maximum height of 4,000 pixels. The image file should be named “Title + Membership Number.jpg”, e.g. “Bluebells in Leeds9876.jpg”.
Maximum mount size: 500mm x 400mm. No restriction on print size. All competition entries must be clearly labelled with a title and the entrant’s membership number.
Digital files submitted for projection must JPG/JPEG and RGB format. The image file must be no more than a maximum width of 4,000 pixels by a maximum height of 4,000 pixels. The image file should be named “Title + Membership Number.jpg”, e.g. “Bluebells in Leeds9876.jpg”.
Non-winning entries in the Annual trophy competitions may only be entered on one more occasion in the same competition.
Quarterly competitions:
Prints and projected images – 4 Quarterly competitions.
Projected Images – one section. Maximum entry per member of 3 images.
Monochrome prints – one section. Maximum entry per member of 3 prints.
Colour prints – one section, trade or home processed. Maximum entry per member of 3 prints.
All entries must be received by the meeting two weeks before the competition. Images in quarterly competitions cannot be entered into another quarterly competition. An image may be entered on one medium only in a quarterly competition (e.g., a ‘projected image’ version of an image and a printed version of the same image may not be entered in the same quarterly competition)
Prints and projected images – 4 Quarterly competitions.
Projected Images – one section. Maximum entry per member of 3 images.
Monochrome prints – one section. Maximum entry per member of 3 prints.
Colour prints – one section, trade or home processed. Maximum entry per member of 3 prints.
All entries must be received by the meeting two weeks before the competition. Images in quarterly competitions cannot be entered into another quarterly competition. An image may be entered on one medium only in a quarterly competition (e.g., a ‘projected image’ version of an image and a printed version of the same image may not be entered in the same quarterly competition)
The annual exhibition:
The exhibition is displayed for at least 1 week (usually 4 weeks) during the Summer. There is no limit to the number of entries per member but the judge will decide which entries make up the top 45 prints (both monochrome and colour) and the top 45 projected images to be displayed.
Entries are divided into sections – projected images and prints – portrait, pictorial, record and natural history.
Natural history sections are for colour only, not monochrome.
Awards to the best entries in the annual exhibition:
Collins Trophy – best monochrome print.
Freeman Shield – best colour print.
Colour trophy – best projected image.
Certificates are also awarded to the winners (first, second and third place) of each section.
The exhibition is displayed for at least 1 week (usually 4 weeks) during the Summer. There is no limit to the number of entries per member but the judge will decide which entries make up the top 45 prints (both monochrome and colour) and the top 45 projected images to be displayed.
Entries are divided into sections – projected images and prints – portrait, pictorial, record and natural history.
Natural history sections are for colour only, not monochrome.
Awards to the best entries in the annual exhibition:
Collins Trophy – best monochrome print.
Freeman Shield – best colour print.
Colour trophy – best projected image.
Certificates are also awarded to the winners (first, second and third place) of each section.
Annual awards:
The Bob Redman Trophy – up to 3 images as projected images or prints (or combination) on a set subject chosen by the committee.
Ellis Originality Award (projected images) – up to 3 projected images that have undergone no post processing at all after capture.
Small Print Award (colour or monochrome prints) – up to 4 prints that cannot exceed A4 print size.
Atkinson Trophy (projected images) – for the most cumulative points gained in the quarterly competitions during the year.
Colour Print of the year Trophy # – for the best colour print chosen from entries awarded 1st, 2nd or 3rd placings in quarterly competitions.
Monochrome Print of the year Trophy # – for the best monochrome print chosen from entries awarded 1st, 2nd or 3rd placings in quarterly competitions.
Ellis Memorial Trophy # – for the best overall projected image from entries awarded 1st, 2nd or 3rd placings in quarterly competitions.
Lightowler Trophy # – For a panel of 3 monochrome prints on a theme chosen by the entrant. 1 panel per member.
Colour Award# – For a panel of 3 colour prints on a theme chosen by the entrant. 1 panel per member
Elsie Freeman Trophy # – for the best colour print (home or trade processed) on any subject. Members may enter up to 4 prints.
Tony Mitchell Trophy # – For a set of 3 projected images. Themes rotate each year through portrait, abstract, pictorial, architectural/general record, nature, sport/action/photojournalism in order.
President’s Cup – For photographic achievement during the year.
Padgett Trophy # – A handicap competition open to all members who enter 3 images as projected images or prints (or combination) in colour or monochrome.
New Members Trophy – Awarded to a less experienced member who has made the most progress in the year.
# Entries for these competitions must be submitted at least 3 weeks before the competition evening.
The Bob Redman Trophy – up to 3 images as projected images or prints (or combination) on a set subject chosen by the committee.
Ellis Originality Award (projected images) – up to 3 projected images that have undergone no post processing at all after capture.
Small Print Award (colour or monochrome prints) – up to 4 prints that cannot exceed A4 print size.
Atkinson Trophy (projected images) – for the most cumulative points gained in the quarterly competitions during the year.
Colour Print of the year Trophy # – for the best colour print chosen from entries awarded 1st, 2nd or 3rd placings in quarterly competitions.
Monochrome Print of the year Trophy # – for the best monochrome print chosen from entries awarded 1st, 2nd or 3rd placings in quarterly competitions.
Ellis Memorial Trophy # – for the best overall projected image from entries awarded 1st, 2nd or 3rd placings in quarterly competitions.
Lightowler Trophy # – For a panel of 3 monochrome prints on a theme chosen by the entrant. 1 panel per member.
Colour Award# – For a panel of 3 colour prints on a theme chosen by the entrant. 1 panel per member
Elsie Freeman Trophy # – for the best colour print (home or trade processed) on any subject. Members may enter up to 4 prints.
Tony Mitchell Trophy # – For a set of 3 projected images. Themes rotate each year through portrait, abstract, pictorial, architectural/general record, nature, sport/action/photojournalism in order.
President’s Cup – For photographic achievement during the year.
Padgett Trophy # – A handicap competition open to all members who enter 3 images as projected images or prints (or combination) in colour or monochrome.
New Members Trophy – Awarded to a less experienced member who has made the most progress in the year.
# Entries for these competitions must be submitted at least 3 weeks before the competition evening.