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Welcome to Leeds Camera Club!
On these pages, you will find details of our meetings, examples of members photography, information about our competitions, exhibitions and much more.
Over the years, we have gained the reputation of being one of the friendliest photographic clubs in Yorkshire.
In 2025 the club and committee took the decision to change our name from Leeds Co-operative Photographic Society.
We meet at 8pm every Wednesday evening throughout the year and you are very welcome to come along anytime to try us out for a couple of weeks while you decide if you would like to join. so why not pop along and see for yourself?

The club has developed a reputation as being one of the friendliest in Yorkshire. We have a good mix of members both in terms of sex and age. Members are always happy to share their knowledge with their colleagues. The club welcomes anyone interested in digital or film photography.
Membership embraces both photographers and non-photographers - indeed all who enjoy seeing interesting work. The active photographers mainly work with digital equipment and record their Images both in colour and black & white.
Their work is then shown by either projecting the image on a screen, or by producing photographic prints which can be a maximum of 500mm x 400mm when mounted. These prints can be either home or trade produced.
Over recent years Digital Imaging has all but replaced the use of film. The club enjoys a large and active group of workers who have developed skills in Digital Imaging and advice is always available on the multitude of issues raised.
Between us we can either give guidance on photographic problems or can track down "a man who can" to respond with a more definitive answer.
Apart from the normal weekly meetings, activities include studio sessions, workshops and advice on photographic techniques. Day trips - both local and further afield and the occasional weekend away to such locations as Northumberland, the Lake District, the Yorkshire Dales and Norfolk have been enjoyed over the years. The camaraderie is always excellent and the opportunities to develop photographic techniques and ideas is greatly increased on these trips.